Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sonnets- I'm a Poet And I Didn't Even Know It

Between Shakespeare and Spencer, Spencer has a better rhyme scheme.The ABABBCBCDCDCEE pattern was better because it flows together more smoothly. Shakespeare's poems sounded good but were more choppy. If you took individual verses out of Shakespeare that it would sound equally as good as Spencer's because it would sound like an AB rhyme scheme. Over all, both sonnets have verses in the form of quatrains. They also both rhyme and are both about love.

Shakespears 18th Sonnet and Edmunds 30th Sonnet are exactly the same as far as their pattern in quatrains. The

Friend please listen;
You are breaking my heart
Your empty words and broken promises are tearing my apart
Instead of your trust, i just have your problems to cart
I am not to blame for you causing this division
I told you I'd be there from the very start
But when I have a problem you just seem to dart
You are not the person I inviosioned

The decision lies in you
If you want to change
You have my support
Don't be estrange
The ball is in your court

My poem follows a Petrachan form. It has an ABBAABBA CDECDE rhyme scheme. This pattern is what Edmund and Shakespeare base there sonnets on. This rhyme scheme involves fourteen lines, an octet and a sestet.

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