Tuesday, October 23, 2007

.:*Act 2 Macbeth*:.

Act two of Macbeth includes the rising action of the story. In this act Macbeth debates whether or not to kill King Duncan. Lady Macbeth tells him that he needs to just bite the bullet and kill him. Macbeth ends up killing the King. He feels very guilty about it. Lady Macbeth tells him basically to get over it and get rid of the evidence. The next moning King Duncan's sons decided to leave the country so they do not get blaimed for the death of their father.

I thought that Macbeth had no backbone. He was not strong enough to resist the temptation that his wife throws in front of him. Macbeth let someone else think for him and ended up killing the King even though he did not have to so that he could become the King. This act i thought was well written. It was easiar to understand than the first act. There was also more drama and it kept leaving you hanginmg. Was Macbeth really going to kill the King, or not?

Over all the theme has been concurrent with what is foul is fair and what is fair is foul. Although everyone think that Lady Macbeth is a sweet, kind, gentle woman she is actually evil and behind the plot of the murder of the King. Macbeth also seems at first to be innocent and other people are considered to maybe be guilty.


John Bishop said...

Hi Alliekat,
I'm in the Red Clay Writing Project, and I thought I'd check and see if your class had any new posts. I like that you give your opinion about MacBeth, particularly that he "has no backbone." And I'm wondering if the "what's fair is foul" and vice versa theme couldn't be applied to our society in general. Seems like what's ethical for some isn't for others. Anyway, I enjoy reading your responses.
John Bishop

Anonymous said...

Good words.