Monday, October 29, 2007

.:*Act one Macbeth*:.

In Act one of Macbeth you are introduced to the characters as well as the theme of the story. Macbeth and McDuff run into some witches. The witches inform Macbeth that he is going to become King and McDuff that his children are going to become kings. At first neither of them believe the witches but some of her other predictions begin to come true. Soon the current King, King Duncan decides to visit Macbeth to honor him for becoming thane of Cawdor. Lady Macbeth tries to coax Macbeth into killing the King so they can become royalties. Macbeth is not sure whether or not he wants to kill the King because he knows that inevitably he will become King.

I think Macbeth is letting his wife have too much control over his decision about killing the King. In act 1 you realize that Macbeth does have a conscience. He doesn’t really want to kill the King although he knows if he doesn’t it will take him longer to become King. Act one is really an introduction to all of the characters and the setting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

.:*Act 2 Macbeth*:.

Act two of Macbeth includes the rising action of the story. In this act Macbeth debates whether or not to kill King Duncan. Lady Macbeth tells him that he needs to just bite the bullet and kill him. Macbeth ends up killing the King. He feels very guilty about it. Lady Macbeth tells him basically to get over it and get rid of the evidence. The next moning King Duncan's sons decided to leave the country so they do not get blaimed for the death of their father.

I thought that Macbeth had no backbone. He was not strong enough to resist the temptation that his wife throws in front of him. Macbeth let someone else think for him and ended up killing the King even though he did not have to so that he could become the King. This act i thought was well written. It was easiar to understand than the first act. There was also more drama and it kept leaving you hanginmg. Was Macbeth really going to kill the King, or not?

Over all the theme has been concurrent with what is foul is fair and what is fair is foul. Although everyone think that Lady Macbeth is a sweet, kind, gentle woman she is actually evil and behind the plot of the murder of the King. Macbeth also seems at first to be innocent and other people are considered to maybe be guilty.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sonnets- I'm a Poet And I Didn't Even Know It

Between Shakespeare and Spencer, Spencer has a better rhyme scheme.The ABABBCBCDCDCEE pattern was better because it flows together more smoothly. Shakespeare's poems sounded good but were more choppy. If you took individual verses out of Shakespeare that it would sound equally as good as Spencer's because it would sound like an AB rhyme scheme. Over all, both sonnets have verses in the form of quatrains. They also both rhyme and are both about love.

Shakespears 18th Sonnet and Edmunds 30th Sonnet are exactly the same as far as their pattern in quatrains. The

Friend please listen;
You are breaking my heart
Your empty words and broken promises are tearing my apart
Instead of your trust, i just have your problems to cart
I am not to blame for you causing this division
I told you I'd be there from the very start
But when I have a problem you just seem to dart
You are not the person I inviosioned

The decision lies in you
If you want to change
You have my support
Don't be estrange
The ball is in your court

My poem follows a Petrachan form. It has an ABBAABBA CDECDE rhyme scheme. This pattern is what Edmund and Shakespeare base there sonnets on. This rhyme scheme involves fourteen lines, an octet and a sestet.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Reminiscing about the Renaissance

The article posted about the Renaissance discusses how people’s theories on life, philosophy, religion and art all changed. This happened when King Henry VIII separated from the Catholic Church. The printing press also contributed to the Renaissance because people began to read and interpret the Bible for themselves. When this occurred, the Popes influence was reduced. The people had found out the Catholic Church was corrupt.

During the Renaissance there was a lot of turmoil in the English Royal Family. When King Henry died his son took the throne and died very young. His sister Mary, or Bloody Mary, took the throne. Mary killed many Protestants by burning them and having them executed. Next Elizabeth became Queen and followed by her was King James. King James is responsible for the King James Version of the Bible.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Reading log

So lately i have been reading a lot. I completed Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks, and it was the best book I have ever read. I cried my eyes out for like an hour! It was actually pretty embarrassing because i was in the car with my family sobbing. But anyway it was amazing. It was a love story about this guy who lived at the beach and met a girl named Savannah. She was a very "good" girl and he was kind of an immature jerk, especially torwards his father who had Asburgers. Anyway they fell in love and ended up not being together because he joined the Army and she fell in love with another man. The whole story was really depressing but i still loved it. I think it was so great because i felt like i was in the story watching the two fall in love. I just felt like i was in the relationship. It was a really good book and I would reccomend it to anyone and everyone to read.
I just finshed reading Go Ask Alice for the millionth time. That book is so good because i feel like everyone can relate to her story in some way. Alice starts her journal when she is about fourteen and finishes it when she is sixteen. Her life is very complicated and she deals with a lot of issues with family, school, drugs, sex and friends. All of these things are on teenagers shoulders which makes this book more powerful. Each time I read the book my opinions change. The first time I read the book I think i was in seventh grade and i felt that the girl was just a loser who needed to learn to deal with life. But this last time i read it i could totally understand where she was coming from. Some times all of the pressure just builds up and you end up making bad decisions. I think that this book is meant for a 14-16 year old audience but to understand it you need to be a little more mature and understanding about the real pressure of life and what high school is really about.
I just started reading a book called The Notebook Girls, I know it sounds lame but its a really good book. Its a collection of real letters that girls in New York City wrote to eachother. I just started reading it today but i'm really enjoying it. The girls are very sarcastic with eachother and kind of mean at some times. For instance at one point one of the girls was upset because she didn't make the hip hop team and one of her friends responded with " Julia, it's okay if you suck at everything or you're just okay. Not everyone can be a winner." Haha, i thought it was funny because it really is true, just kind of harsh.