Thursday, November 1, 2007

Act Four Macbeth

In Act four Macbeth's fate is licked and sealed. In scene one the witches dance and chant around a cauldron. They inform Macbeth that no one born of a mother's womb will be able to kill him. They also tell him until Burnam Wood reaches the castle he will live. The witches also told him that Macduffs children are going to take over the throne eventually. This upsets him but Macbeth is confident and happy that he won't be killed for a while. In scene two Lady Macduff's relative, Ross comes in. He tells her that the reason her husband went to England is valid. She is still upset and feels that her and her children are vulberable and that he should be home. Ross leaves and the murderers enter. The murderer kills the Macduff's child. In scene three Macduff arrives home to find that his son has been killed. He pledges revenge on Macbeth and intends on killing him.

Act four of Macbeth is alright. I felt that it was a little predictable but the whole entire play is. the best part of this act is when the witches have Macbeth thinking he has a long time left to live when in reality he does not have very much longer.


Mitchell Nunnally said...

It was actually an acrostic but thanks anyway. Nice Macbeth post.

Mitchell Nunnally said...

I'm good how are you?

Victoria Slaboda said...

H E double hockey sticks O!
Yes the old days... When we left comments... What good times.
I think the float is coming along wonderfully and I think you and Lilli did a beautiful job yesterday, I wish I could have helped more.
