Thursday, January 29, 2009


Right now I am really trying to find out who I am. I dont know really. I get so confused by who people tell me I am and who I think I am. Do they know me better than I do?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Final mentor log with Casie Ollendick

December 3rd 2007


Today was Ms. Ollendick and I's last meeting. We discussed my product and presentation. I told her I was doing a presentation and that I planned on using power point. We discussed stage fright and how it made people nervous. She asked me what i ended up doing for my final product and I told her that I made posters. Miss Ollendick gave me her opinion on what should be done on the power point. She told me to explain how to help some one with an eating disorder and not really explain all of the psychological bunk because people respond better to facts and numbers. She also said that if I include the audience that my presentation will be better

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Restoration.

During the Glorious Revolution King James II was thrown out of England. The English parliament no longer held absolute power. This was largely due to the Bill of Rights which may be the most important document in history. James II ended any chance of Catholisism regaining power and there was little toleration for non-conformist protestants.

To me the definition of satire is sarcasm that people use to expose some one or make fun of them. For insance on the Real World Kelly Anne knew that Parisa didn't know how to pronounce a word. So she intentionally had Parisa say the word to make her look bad in front of her boss.

In " A Modern Proposal" Johnathon Swift uses satire to explain the social classes in society. He says things like people shoukld eat there one year olds as to not have so many poor people. Swift uses satire to show the inhumane condition of the colonized Irish. Over all the whole story is satiric.

"Plague of the Year" is A fiction story. It discusses the events that went on during the plague in London. The narrator decided not to leave London like most other people and the story is his account of what happened during the plague. He specifically brings up how there were fake medicines going around as well as fake doctors. The story also discussed how houses had been locked up that were infected. Merchant families went to their boats as to try and not get sick.

The narrator stayed in the city until the end of the plague. Over one hundred thousand people died. The city eventually returned back to normal , and the people of London "slowly returned to their way of life. "

To me it seems that wealth and family heritage were most important to these people during this time period. The wealthier the person the more they are respected and the more valuable you are to society. "These mothers, instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants: who as they grow up either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the Pretender in Spain, or sell themselves to the Barbadoes." This quote proves that it is important to the people during this time to make money and that if you are unclassy you are looked down upon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mentor Log with Casie Ollendick

October 2nd 2007 3:00-4:45
Ms. Casie and I met for the first time and discussed what my project was about. I told her that I was researching the eating disorders bulimia and anorexia. Ms. Olledick told me that she could help me and that she knew about eating disorders through a student at the school she used to work at. Ms. Ollednick and I also reviewed pieces of my research paper. She was very helpful in telling me what I could do to enhance it as far as gramatics. She kept the paper so that she could more thoroughly look over it by herself.

Ms. Ollendick and i reviewed some papers that were sent to me from The Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders. These papers included pamphlets as well as handouts. I think we equally informed eachother on what we knew about eating disorders and taught eachother a lot.

October 3rd 2007 3:15-4:30
Today Miss Ollendick gave me back my research paper. We went over my final draft. She had even more things to edit for me to edit by tomorrow when is due. Ms. Ollendick e- mailed some people for me and tried to get more help. We discussed the differences between people who have eating disorders and people who are attention seekers. The difference is that people with eating disorders are typically a lot more secretive than those with out eating disorders. People who are seeking attention are usually the ones who are out there bragging about it and are loud about asking for help. Another thing we discussed is how people teaser people with eating disorders. We discussed how it makes it worse and that all of the abuse from teasing makes the symptoms of the eating disorder worse. Teasing can increase some with an eating disorders desire to purge and not eat. Miss Casie and I also discussed how the media affected women’s desire to be this and we both agreed that it is not about the media. These disorders were much deeper and it is a disease. You can’t catch a disease from the T.V or from magazines.

October 10th 2007 3:15-5:15
Today Ms. Casie and I discussed one of her students that suffered from an eating disorder. She explained to me a lot of what a counselor does in the situation of a student coming forward with an eating disorder. She explained she would follow a few basic guidelines.
1. She would contact the parents
2. Give the parents some numbers to contact for help
3. Inform the teachers and faculty of the disorder.

The reason she would contact the parents is so that they are aware of the problem if they were not already. She also would contact them so that they can provide support to their child. Next she would give the student/parents some contact numbers to provide help for the child. This is so that the parents will know how to get started helping their child. Finally, she would inform the teachers and faculty so they can monitor the student. When a student has an eating disorder they are constantly being watched and their food intake is being monitored as well as their trips to the bathroom.

The student that Ms. Ollendick had was severely bulimic. The teachers had to escort her to the bathroom. She also was very promiscuous. (Students with bulimia are 25 percent more likely to have get an S.T.D than a non-bulimic) This girl was constantly being teased and had no self-confidence. Over all this meeting was very beneficial because I could see what like with an eating disorder was like for someone.

October 17th 2007 3:15-5:00
Miss Ollendick and I discussed my final project today. We talked about what my final project is going to be and how I was going to do it. Miss Casie told me asked me how I was going to do it. I told her I was filming a documentary and she told me that I had a good start. She asked me if she could do anything more to help. I asked her if she could play the mother in my documentary and I said yes. Miss Casie and I talked about what I was going to do for my script. We agreed that if I added more counselors and people who supported the bulimic girl that is would make the story a lot stronger.

Today we talked about the girl who had an eating disorder more. She told me that the girl had not really gotten help and that she didn’t want help. This is common in people with eating disorders because they think of the disease as a friend. Ms. Ollendick told me that she didn’t really know that much about eating disorders and had gotten some replies from people that she had asked earlier for help. Both people were busy but hopefully they will be available soon.

Thursday November 15th 10-12
Casie Ollendick and I met for our final meeting today. We discussed my final project. We also recapped the things we had already talked about in the past. We discussed how dieting can go out of control. As well as how girls who do ballet and gymnastics are at a higher risk of contracting an S.T.D. We talked about how the girls feel dizzzy and pass out.

Finally, we discussed how to heal. This includes but is not limited to creative arts therapy and nutrition therapy. Multifamily therapy is also helpful. We decided that Multifamily theraphy would be most helpful because you have the most support. Miss Casie and I came to learn a lot in our time together and both learned a lot from eachother.

November 26 130-315
Miss Ollendick and i discusses why people had eating disorders. Stress was a main factor. Some others included pressure and anxiety. When people are lonely they also tend to have eating disorders. When a family member has an eating disorder then other people in the family are more likely to have an eating disorder. Drug addicts are also more likely to have eating disorders because of their desire to control things.

Miss Ollendick also told us that when a child feels a loss of control that they become anorectic or bulimic. We also discussed the differences in Bulimia and Anorexia. Bulimics tend to use laxatives and binge than an anorexic. Both pople tend to cut themselves and addicts.

December 3rd 2007 130-300
Today was Ms. Ollendick and I's last meeting. We discussed my product and presentation. I told her I was doing a presentation and that I planned on using power point. We discussed stage fright and how it made people nervous. She asked me what i ended up doing for my final product and I told her that I made posters.

Miss Ollendick gave me her opinion on what should be done on the power point. She told me to explain how to help some one with an eating disorder and not really explain all of the psychological bunk because people respond better to facts and numbers. She also said that if I include the audience that my presentation will be better

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Act Four Macbeth

In Act four Macbeth's fate is licked and sealed. In scene one the witches dance and chant around a cauldron. They inform Macbeth that no one born of a mother's womb will be able to kill him. They also tell him until Burnam Wood reaches the castle he will live. The witches also told him that Macduffs children are going to take over the throne eventually. This upsets him but Macbeth is confident and happy that he won't be killed for a while. In scene two Lady Macduff's relative, Ross comes in. He tells her that the reason her husband went to England is valid. She is still upset and feels that her and her children are vulberable and that he should be home. Ross leaves and the murderers enter. The murderer kills the Macduff's child. In scene three Macduff arrives home to find that his son has been killed. He pledges revenge on Macbeth and intends on killing him.

Act four of Macbeth is alright. I felt that it was a little predictable but the whole entire play is. the best part of this act is when the witches have Macbeth thinking he has a long time left to live when in reality he does not have very much longer.

Act 3: The Tradegy Of Macbeth

In Act 3 of Macbeth many things occur. First, in scene one Banquo starts to suspect Macbeth of killing King Duncan. King Macbeth decides to have a banquet in honor of himself. Banquo says he and his son Fleance will be out horse back riding and will be late arriving. Macbeth hires murderers to go out and kill Banquo and Fleance so that their family won't take over the throne. He convinces the murderers that Banquo is their nemises and they agree to kill him. In scene two Macbeth does not tell Lady Macbeth that he has hired someone to kill Banquo, but does let her know he has done something bad. In scene three there are three murderers who literally hunt for Fleance and Banquo in the woods. In the woods they find Banquo and Fleance and the murderers stab Banquo. Fleance gets away and rides into the darkness. He plans on getting revenge on Macbeth. In scene four the guests arrive at the banquet. Just as the guests begin to sit down one of the murderers appears. He calls Macbeth over and lets him know that Fleance escaped. Macbeth gets very upset and starts to hallucinate. He thinks that Banquo is sitting in his chair and flips out. He begins to scream and shout. Eventually he calms down but all of a sudden he flips out again. Lady Macbeth makes everyone leave and tells him that he just has poor health. In scene five Macbeth goes to see the three weird sisters and the queen of them. Macbeth becomes overly confident and believes that he is not going to be killed in a long time. . In the final scene, scene six, Lennox and another Lord discuss what crimes they think Macbeth is behind. They plan to over throw him from being King.

I personally liked Act 3. I is filled with drama and chaos. It also makes Macbeth look like the fool which he is. In this act you can tell his death is inevitable. He is going crazy and is having people murdered. I believe this act is the best of the entire play because of all of the excitement. The best part is when King Macbeth throws a fit in front of all the guests and basically gives himself away as being a murderer.

Monday, October 29, 2007

.:*Act one Macbeth*:.

In Act one of Macbeth you are introduced to the characters as well as the theme of the story. Macbeth and McDuff run into some witches. The witches inform Macbeth that he is going to become King and McDuff that his children are going to become kings. At first neither of them believe the witches but some of her other predictions begin to come true. Soon the current King, King Duncan decides to visit Macbeth to honor him for becoming thane of Cawdor. Lady Macbeth tries to coax Macbeth into killing the King so they can become royalties. Macbeth is not sure whether or not he wants to kill the King because he knows that inevitably he will become King.

I think Macbeth is letting his wife have too much control over his decision about killing the King. In act 1 you realize that Macbeth does have a conscience. He doesn’t really want to kill the King although he knows if he doesn’t it will take him longer to become King. Act one is really an introduction to all of the characters and the setting.